The rise of e-mail fraud began to pose a threat to Oatly's business

The increase in email scams led to further intensification
As a publicly known brand with presence in over 20 countries, Oatly has a major responsibility to ensure and maintain a high level of security to protect both themselves and their partners. For over 10 years, Oatly has relied on us to be their strategic partner for domain names and DNS.
The number of reported email fraud increased by over 1000% and Oatly needed to secure its business against this threat.
The control ensures Oatly's digital presence
In addition to ongoing management and the secure management of domain names and DNS, Abion undertook the mission to secure email management and minimize the risk that Oatly's digital identity is used for email fraud. As a result, Abion's Email Compromise Protection service was implemented.
By securing the entire chain from a complete and secure management of domain names and DNS, the implementation of security mechanisms to counter email fraud to monitor third party registrations of domain names, Oatly and Abion have taken all reasonable steps to secure Oatly's digital presence.
Secure email management led to secure identity
Oatly has long been at the forefront of creating a secure IT presence. Therefore, it is no wonder that they realized early on the importance of securing their email management, thus minimizing the risk of someone being able to use their identity to commit fraud.
In order to ensure that Oatly has an email management that is as secure as possible, Secure Email (ECP) service was implemented. The process began with a preliminary study during which we monitored and analyzed Oatly’s email flow from all domain names for a period of time.
The purpose was to check the current situation and identify legitimate and non-legitimate senders. When the preliminary study was completed, the results was presented to Oatly, where we also presented recommended implementing a policy for authenticating sending mail servers. Unlike the usual use of the word “policy”, which usually involves a management document on an intranet, a “policy” in this context means a technical security mechanism at the DNS level that determines what happens when a “non-legitimate” mail reaches its recipient. After presenting the preliminary study and its results, we agreed on the implementation of a number of authentication and monitoring mechanisms.
The result of this is a secure email management with a hundred percent “reject” of any attempt to send non-legitimate email via which appears to come from oatly.com. Oatly has therefore taken responsibility for protecting themselves, but also their customers and partners, from fraudulent behaviour.
Solutions in the case
Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)
Secure Email ECP – A Must For Any Serious Business
About Oatly
Since the 1990s, Oatly makes it easy for people to turn what they eat and drink into personal moments of healthy joy without recklessly taxing the planet’s resources in the process. Oatly’s patented enzyme technology copies nature’s own process and turns fiber rich oats into nutritional liquid food. Oatly operates out of the southern region of Sweden with Headquarters in Malmö and our Production & Development Center situated in Landskrona. The Oatly brand is available in more than 20 countries throughout Europe and Asia. oatly.com
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