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Secure email with ECP

Secure email, or Email Compromise Protection, ECP as it might be called is a technical solution for email security that our specialists have developed. The service effectively protects your organization against email frauds, whilst also protecting your customers and suppliers.

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We secure your email

Email fraud often targets company employees, email fraudsters often approach connections outside the organization; customers, suppliers or other users close to the business. Email filters or stricter internal email security routines then provide no protection since the scam involves a third party communicating with another third party.

  • Protection against sending and receiving fraudulent emails
  • Increased levels of trust among both customers and suppliers
  • Increased brand security and minimized risk of trademark abuse
  • Continuous monitoring assures that new domain name registrations, made by others, cannot be associated with your brand
We secure your email with ECP

How does Secure email work?

The service is based on a combination of SPF, DKIM and DMARC. Together, they provide adequate protection not only against phishing, but also increase the likelihood of legitimate email being delivered to the recipient.

For maximum email security, we also recommend actively monitoring new domain name registrations to proactively detect any trademarks similar to yours. This allows more effective action against unauthorized use.


ECP process



SPF prevents unauthorized users from sending email using your domains by specifying the services and systems allowed to send email. The protocol is applied by publishing records in DNS to indicate which IP addresses are allowed to send emails for a domain. However, SPF does not survive forwarding of emails, which means it can easily be bypassed.


DKIM is an authentication method used to verify that an email message was sent from an authorized mail server. It tries to overcome the shortcomings of SPF through cryptographic authentication, and since DKIM survives forwarding, emails are more difficult to forge. However, as DKIM is relatively complex to implement, the underlying technology doesn’t deliver to the extent it was intended. As a stand-alone system it is unreliable.


DMARC is a system that builds on top of SPF and DKIM and provides tools for senders to better prevent and monitor abuse of their domains. A suitably defined policy validates the authenticity of a sender and then decides whether the email client should accept or reject the message.


We are with you all the way

Pre study and analysis

We analyze your email flow, do a pre-study and then go through the results with you. The report is accompanied by recommendations and an action plan adapted to your needs.


Taking into account the findings of the analysis, we implement Email Compromise Protection and ensure that deliverability is secured.


After implementation, you can either initiate changes to the ECP protocol yourself or let us monitor your email flow and deliver a monthly report. We strongly recommend this, as this ensures that everything is working as it should.

Would you like to have a secure email?

Fill out the form and we will make sure that you get started!


What are email frauds?

Email is still the preferred way for most businesses to communicate. Therefore, it is no wonder that email is a major source of fraudulent behavior. Most commonly that someone forges an email address to pretend to be someone else, for the purpose of gaining money, sensitive information and/or spreading malicious code.

How are email frauds carried out?

In the past, email fraud was usually carried out by registering a confusing domain name (typosquatting) which was then used to deceive a company’s customers and/or employees.

Today, falsified emails often look exactly like those of the authentic sender (spoofing). There are even more sophisticated email scams where fraudsters, over a long period of time, analyze a company’s organization, its division of responsibilities and even mail signatures and then pretend to be a colleague or manager (spear-phishing). Thereby, the fraudster can come across sensitive information, get funds transferred, etc.

How do you protect against email frauds?

If you want to protect yourself against email fraud, it is not enough to just implement SPF or DKIM. These alone do not provide sufficient protection for both the receiving and sending domains. For complete protection, DMARC must be added on top of SPF and DKIM. DMARC is the component that validates whether a sender is authentic or not and then directs the email client to accept or reject the message.

It is also important to increase awareness within the company. For example, all employees need to be vigilant when receiving internal emails that initiate money transfers.

If I use SPF, DKIM and DMARC, will I be completely protected, and will all my emails reach my inbox?

In addition to implementing SPF, DKIM and DMARC, you need continuous analysis of your email flow based on DMARC report information. The SPF, DKIM or DMARC protocols do not provide you with a qualified analysis, nor can they distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent email content. These are critical features needed for reliable protection. In response, Abion has developed Email Compromise Protection as a service, where we take proactive responsibility for everything from pre-studies to implementation and continuous adjustments.

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