Tech-enabled Online Brand Protection

Online Brand Protection is more than just removing fakes. It’s a modern must-have for any online presence. Abion combines innovative technology with a unique platform and in-house expertise, handling everything from monitoring to enforcement.

Safeguard your online presence

Tech-enabled Online Brand Protection

All kompetens in-house

Safeguard Reputation

Prevent brand damage and maintain growth with satisfied customers.

All kompetens in-house

Customer Care

Shield customers from harmful counterfeits and scams to ensure their satisfaction and trust.

All kompetens in-house

Revenue Protection

Proactively address counterfeiting to avoid losing revenue.

360-degree protection for your brand

  • Marketplace Watch
  • Domain Name Monitoring
  • Social media Watch
  • App & NFT Watch
  • Search Engine Watch
  • Web Content Watch
  • Takedown Services
  • Enforcement against phishing attempts
  • UDRPs
  • URS
  • DRP
  • RDRS

Daniel Zohny

Daniel Zohny, Global Head of Online Brand Protection

“Leveraging business intelligence tools, we elevate your strategy beyond online brand protection to sharpen decision-making and elevate your market stance, all with clear, efficient execution.”

Online Brand Protection

The technology and expertise to globally safeguard your brand

We don't just stop at recommendations – but also take proactive steps to swiftly protect your brand's digital and physical presence.

  • A network of global experts for localised brand protection advice.
  • Advanced technology platforms for monitoring, managing, and securing digital assets.
  • Complete solution from one provider – everything from registration through to enforcement and litigation.

Get an Online Threat Report


Why Online Brand Protection matters

Discover the latest tactics and tools from one of the world's foremost experts, designed to protect and enhance your brand's reputation.

Watch the webinar now

Abion delivers a complete package for all aspects of trademark and domain name protection, helping us to focus on our core business. Their specialist competence enables us to constantly improve and secure our brand in the long term.
Tom Thörnblom
Head of Communications and Sustainability - Lyko

Why you need Online Brand Protection

Online Brand Protection is the combination of online brand monitoring and enforcement activities.

A must-have in 2024

With 39% of Europeans doubting product authenticity and 15% falling victim to counterfeit purchases, protecting you brand online is crucial to maintain trust among consumers/customers.

Preserving brand integrity

Safeguarding your brand's reputation by monitoring and combating instances of counterfeit products, brand impersonation, or unauthorised selling.

Proactive risk mitigation

Protect your brand from misuse across various online platforms by proactively identifying and addressing threats, minimising the impact of infringements and fraud.

Marketplace Watch
Cybersquatting - Faking domain name
Website Cloning
Social Media Impersonation
Online Brand Protection - Prevent Phishing emails

Different types of brand infringement

Online brand infringement specifically involves unauthorised and damaging activities on the internet. Here are some of the key examples of online brand infringement:


This involves the sale of counterfeit goods through online platforms, where unauthorised sellers replicate or imitate the company's products, often infringing on trademarks and copyrights.


Registering or using a brand's trademark that closely resemble a legitimate brand's domain to mislead users or profit from the brand's reputation.

Website Cloning

Creating fake websites that imitate a legitimate brand's site to deceive consumers, for example to sell fake or non-existing products, often also involves cybersquatting.

Social Media Impersonation

Setting up fake profiles or accounts on social media platforms to mislead or engage in fraudulent activities.

Phishing Emails

Sending deceptive emails that appear to be from a legitimate brand to trick recipients into providing sensitive information.


of all imports in 2019 into the EU consisted of fake goods.


of Europeans have wondered whether something they’ve bought is genuine or a counterfeit.


of Europeans report that they have been misled into buying counterfeits.

How counterfeits affect your customers

Imagine your customers searching for their desired product online. They type the product into a search engine and a number of counterfeit items on copycat websites are shown in the search results. As they all look so convincing, the customer clicks on one and unwittingly buys a fake, trusting they're authentic.

These infringing products often lead to a bad customer experience, affecting not only your brand, but also your company's reputation and profits.

Start with Online Threat Report & Consultation

Our Online Threat Report scopes out your vulnerabilities to identify which platforms require monitoring. We conduct a deep investigation across all channels. Within 5 working days you'll receive a comprehensive report, followed by meeting with a Brand Protection Specialist.

Where is your brand exposed?




Social Media

Web Content

Search Engine


We sell our products online

We have an active social media presence

We have issues with unauthorised resellers on various platforms

Our brand elements are used incorrectly or inappropriately by others

Our business depends significantly on our app

We have issues with social media ads infringing on our trademarks and copyrights

We have issues with unauthorised use of our content by other parties

How we work

Taking care of the whole process

Online Brand Protection Process


The foundation of Online Brand Protection


Based on your needs, add the following services

Benefits of Online Brand Protection with Abion

  • Our legal and domain name experts cover all of your brand protection needs, from registering to monitoring and enforcement
  • Manage all your IP Rights on our platform, no need for multiple vendors and solutions
  • No middle-men, all service from one provider

Get started with an Online Threat Report

man-beard-1002×730-1 looking left

Get started with an Online Threat Report

We scope out your vulnerabilities and identify which platforms require monitoring.

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