Get VMC - Verified Mark Certificate at Abion

Unlock the Power of Verified Mark Certificate

Increase open rate and brand awareness with a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC). A Verified Mark Certificate also enables your company to render both a Google Checkmark and your logotype next to your brand name in your customer’s email inbox. Contact us and we will help set it up!

Get your VMC now

Boost Open Rates

VMC increases brand visibility and trust, leading to higher email open rates.

Display Logo

The certificate showcases Google Checkmark and your logo in the inbox before emails are opened

Secure Emails

VMC strengthens security against phishing and spoofing with DMARC enforcement

Abion VMC logos before and after

How Does a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) Work?

A Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) combines law and IT to revolutionize email infrastructure. With a VMC, you can showcase your logo in authenticated emails, thanks to the next phase of BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification). The Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) legally confirms that your organisation has the right to use your logo, ensuring it’s protected and displayed with confidence.

Ensure All Requirements Before VMC Application

In order to obtain a certificate, you need to ensure that your figurative/word mark is properly registered and that your e-mail infrastructure has the right level of security protection.

Parts of the process may take time. A trade mark application usually takes 3-6 months and implementation of the required security levels for your email may take 1-3 months.

Implementation of DMARC

In order for the certificate to be issued, it is required that you have implemented DMARC with your existing e-mail client. DMARC secures that the domain you are e-mailing from has adequate security levels. Abion provides a service called Secure Email (EPC) so that you can implement DMARC with the correct quarantine policy.

Review figurative/word mark

In addition to implementing DMARC, you must also prove that you own legal rights to the logotype, as the main purpose of the Verified Mark Certificate is to validate that the organisation owns the rights to a figurative/word mark. At present, you can only use registered figurative/word marks that are verified by affiliated intellectual property authorities. You must have proper trademark protection for the exact logotype you intend to use. Convert your logo to an SVG file. Here is a guide of how to save your logo: Convert logo to SVG file.

Contact us today!

With the right level of e-mail security and a registered figurative/word mark, you will be able to implement your logo (SVG file) to the certificate that gives you the right to render your logo in certain e-mail clients. We help to check that you have the conditions to be able to bye the certificate. Contact us directly and we will help you!

Which email would you click? Get a better open rate with Verified Mark Certificate - VMC at Abion

Which email would you open?

Is your brand ready to rule the inbox?

Fill in the form and we will analyze how ready your brand is, with no strings attached.

  • What logo you have registered
  • If the logo is registered for the right markets
  • The security levels on your email

Learn More: How to Secure VMC to Brand Your Emails

A VMC is a digital certificate that allows companies to display their verified (and trade marked) logo next to their emails, enhancing brand recognition, trust and security. With the requirement of DMARC compliance, this certificate solidifies brand authenticity and helps to protect against email spoofing.

Understanding Verified Mark Certificates (VMC)

VMC are digital certificates that enable organisations to display their registered trade marked logos in the avatar spot of outgoing emails, providing a visual cue that helps recipients verify the sender's authenticity. Working in conjunction with the organisation, Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI), VMCs offer an immediate trust indicator, transforming how emails are perceived by making them more recognisable and trustworthy at a glance.

By placing a trade marked logo next to the sender field in recipients' inboxes, VMCs significantly enhance brand recognition and boost email engagement. They also help to prevent phishing attempts and email spoofing by ensuring that only authenticated emails can display these logos, adding an extra layer of security.

Supported by major email services like Google, Yahoo Mail, and Apple, VMCs are set to become a standard feature in email marketing and security strategies. This widespread support makes it crucial for brands to adopt VMC technology to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

Step-by-Step Guide to Acquiring a Verified Mark Certificate

Obtaining a valid certificate necessitates several crucial steps such as, achieving DMARC compliance, having a registered trade marked logo, and designing an SVG format logo. Each of these steps is vital to meeting the VMC requirements and successfully implementing your VMC. It can be a complex process and therefore advisable to seek the help of an expert in this area, like Abion, who can support you through this process.

1. Ensure DMARC Compliance

Achieving DMARC compliance is a fundamental step for securing a valid certificate and is indispensable for BIMI. DMARC, or Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance, involves setting up SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records to validate emails sent from your domain. This setup ensures that your emails are authenticated, reducing the risk of domain spoofing and phishing attacks.

To achieve DMARC compliance, you need to publish a DMARC record in your DNS settings. This record dictates how receiving email servers should handle messages that fail authentication checks, with policies like ‘p=quarantine’ or ‘p=reject’ being necessary to meet BIMI standards. Ensuring full DMARC compliance can be technically challenging, but it is a crucial step in securing your VMC.

2. Register Your Trademarked Logo

Securing a BIMI-compliant logo involves trademarking, a process that can take several months. Trademarking your logo not only verifies its authenticity but also shields it from misuse, making it more difficult for malicious actors to spoof your brand. If your logo isn't trademarked yet, it's crucial to speak with a brand protection expert like Abion, who can guide you through the process.

Trademark registration involves clearances searches, filing an application and having it reviewed by an examiner from the trademark office. Each logo requires its own trademark registration and VMC, so if your organisation uses multiple logos, each will need to undergo this process separately. Our step-by-step guide explains how to register a trademark and it is also possible to check if your brand name/logo has already been trademarked on the WIPO website.

Initiating the trademark process early on is crucial because it can take from 3 months to over a year to complete. Engaging a legal team can help navigate the complexities of this process, ensuring that your logo meets all necessary requirements and is ready for VMC certification.

3. Create an SVG File Logo

Verified Mark Certificate demand logos in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG file) format. The significance of this format lies in its ability to scale the logo to various sizes without compromising quality, and meets specific technical requirements for BIMI compliance.

The SVG file must:

- The logo must be an SVG file
- Be kept under 32 kilobytes
- Have a square aspect ratio
- Center the logo within a solid background.

Creating a BIMI-compliant SVG file can be a technical hurdle for many organisations. The file must not contain any x= and y= attributes apart from the XML namespace, and it should be formatted correctly to meet all BIMI standards. Tools like Adobe Illustrator can help in creating and formatting the SVG logo, ensuring it adheres to all necessary specifications. We will help you with the specifications if needed. 

4. Purchasing and Implementing Your VMC

Once you have ensured DMARC compliance, registered your trademarked logo, and created an SVG format logo, the next steps involve purchasing and implementing your Verified Mark Certificate.

5. Select a Certificate Authority

Choosing a trustworthy Certificate Authority (CA) is paramount to the VMC implementation process. The high assurance validation process for purchasing a VMC is similar to that for SSL certificates but includes additional security steps, such as identity validation, face-to-face confirmation, and validation of the trademarked and formatted logo. It might be smart to choose a provider who gives you specific instructions and support during the process. 

When choosing a CA, consider the current rates and ensure the CA provides the necessary support and guidance throughout the whole process of VMC implementation. 

6. Upload the PEM File to Your Web Server

After purchasing your VMC, you will need to complete the following steps:

- Receive a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file.
- Upload the PEM file to your public web server.
- Note the URL of the uploaded PEM file for further steps.
- Use the PEM file to add extra security to your logo. This verification was done by the CA.

Ensure that your web server uses the HTTPS protocol and TLS version 1.2 or later to host BIMI files, including the BIMI record, enhancing security and compliance. If you have a provider like Abion, we can help you with all of these steps. 

7. Add a BIMI TXT Record to Your Domain

The final step in implementing your VMC is to add a BIMI TXT record to your domain. This record must include the URL of the PEM file and the location of the SVG logo file. Both files must be accessible via HTTPS on a public server and retain their original names.

Adding this TXT record enables the display of your verified logo in recipients’ email inboxes, completing the VMC implementation process. 

Benefits of Using VMCs for Email Security and Brand Recognition

The benefits of VMCs extend well beyond email security. One of the primary advantages is the protection against email fraud through DMARC’s anti-spoofing technology. By ensuring that only authenticated emails can display your trade marked logo, VMCs help to prevent phishing attempts and reduces email spoofing. This not only safeguards your brand’s reputation but also bolsters employees’ confidence in the legitimacy of emails from internal senders or partners.

Moreover, brand recognition and email engagement are significantly bolstered by VMCs. Organisations using BIMI and VMC report increased engagement rates, with some companies seeing a boost in email engagement by approximately 10%. Preliminary findings also indicate that VMC-backed emails may have improved open and response rates by up to 39%. 

User trust and engagement can also be elevated through the implementation of VMCs. By adhering to BIMI specifications, VMC-backed emails stand out in customer inboxes, leading to higher interaction rates and a more positive perception of your brand. Tracking detailed email metrics like open rates, link interactions, and forwarded emails becomes easier, providing valuable insights into your email marketing strategies.

Benefits of Using VMC

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Despite the evident benefits of VMC or mark certificate, their implementation can pose a number of challenges. These challenges include meeting technical requirements, navigating the trade mark registration process, and the time-consuming nature of obtaining a VMC.

Technical Requirements

A significant technical challenge in VMC implementation involves fulfilling all the necessary requirements of your email infrastructure. This includes achieving DMARC compliance and properly formatting your SVG logo. Ensuring that your email infrastructure is not on any blacklists is also essential for successful BIMI implementation. Technical hurdles like creating an SVG file that meets BIMI standards and configuring your email authentication records can be daunting, but they are essential for securing your VMC certificate.

To overcome these challenges, consider seeking assistance from experts. Ensuring that all technical requirements are met can take time, but it is a critical step in achieving the full benefits of VMC implementation. At Abion, we handle all steps of the process, so you can focus on your core business.

Trademark Registration Issues

Another common challenge when actualising VMC or mark certificate is the trade mark registration process. The process can be lengthy, in some cases taking anywhere between 3 months to over a year to complete. It is essential to consult with a legal department or lawyer to ensure timely and successful completion of the trade mark registration process. The ‘use-in-commerce’ requirement must also be met, meaning the logo must be actively used in commerce.

Partnering up with a brand protection specialist like Abion can significantly increase the chances of a successful trade mark application. They can help navigate the complexities of the application process, ensuring that your logo meets all necessary legal requirements and is ready for VMC certification.


In summary, securing a VMC certificate for your branded emails involves several critical steps, including ensuring DMARC compliance, registering your trade marked logo, and creating an SVG format logo. Despite the challenges, the benefits of enhanced email security, increased brand recognition, and higher email engagement rates make VMCs a worthwhile investment to transform your email communication strategy. While we have outlined the steps of how to obtain a VMC, working with an expert in these matters is strongly advised. 

FAQ about Verified Mark Certificate 

Am I allowed to modify the figurative/word mark?

The figurative/word mark must be valid, registered and verified by an intellectual property authority affiliated with VMC. It is then implemented in SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics) in accordance with current SVG guidelines. The figurative/word mark must be reproduced in exactly the same way as it was registered. However, it is possible to adjust the size, crop and scale as long as the entire figure mark is still visible, but it is not allowed to change color, background or opacity. Since the majority of logotype exposure areas are expected to have a square or circular aspect ratio, we recommend a centered logo in a square SVG format.

Can we use a trade mark that we do not own, but we have a license for or permission to use?

Yes, if you can present a written certificate from the trademark owner showing that you may use the trademark for VMC. Keep in mind that a certificate is always required if the person applying for VMC is not a trademark holder in the trademark register.

We only own rights to a word mark, can we use that?

Yes, both word marks and figure marks/logos can be used, as long as they are registered. However, it may be good to know that figure marks/logos are recommended, as they are most compatible with VMC.

What are the benefits of using VMCs for email communication?

Using VMC for email communication offers benefits such as enhanced security, improved brand awareness, increased email engagement rates, and immediate visual trust indicators for recipients. These factors contribute to a more effective and trustworthy communication platform.

How long does it take to register a trade marked logo for a VMC?

The trademark registration process can take anywhere from 3 months to over a year, depending on factors and the efficiency of the trademark office. You will need a trademarked logo to obtain a VMC. Keep in mind that the timeline can vary.

What is a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)?

A Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) is a digital certificate that allows organisations to display their registered trademark logo in the avatar slot alongside outgoing emails, enhancing brand awareness and email engagement.

How much does a VMC cost?

The cost of implementing a VMC depends on what preparations your organization needs to make. Get in touch and let us look at what preparations you need to make.

We have several different logos – how can we use them?

Only one logo can be used for each email domain. However, alternative logos can be used for email subdomains. For example, you may have a VMC certificate for and one for

We own a Swedish figurative/word mark; can we use that?

Yes, the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) is affiliated with VMC. Both word marks and figurative marks registered by PRV can be used for a Verified Mark Certificate.

The other, currently, affiliated intellectual property authorities are the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office, European Union Intellectual Property Office, UK Intellectual Property Office, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Japan Trademark Office, IP Australia.

What are the technical requirements for an SVG format logo?

Your SVG format logo must be a registered figurative mark, the SVG file must be under 32 kilobytes, have a square aspect ratio, and a solid background colour. 

Why is DMARC compliance necessary for VMC?

DMARC compliance is essential for VMCs because it verifies the authenticity of the sending domain. By ensuring that emails originate from authorised sources, DMARC prevents malicious actors from spoofing legitimate senders and displaying fake logos. This protects both the brand and email recipients from phishing attacks and other fraudulent activities. Essentially, DMARC provides the necessary trust foundation for VMC to operate effectively.

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