Trademark Watch
Our monitoring service Trademark Watch, is a service that gives you a comprehensive overview of trademark applications from similar brands. This allows you to more quickly object to applications that are similar to yours, thereby preventing their registration before it’s too late. This also secures that your investment hasn’t been made to no purpose.
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Trademark Watch
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Trademark Watch
Trademark and Domain Watch are two services that lay the basic foundation for a strong trademark protection. Trademark Watch safeguards your legal brand, but also protects the interests of customers and other stakeholders.
Trademark Watch automatically scans the databases in real time for word marks or figure marks similar to your trademark. We scan for new applications made in the classes your brand is registered for. It includes:
- Identical or similar brand name
- Identical or similar figure mark
What does Trademark Watch mean?
Developing a brand usually involves large investments in time and money. However, registering a trademark does not automatically mean that the same or a similar trademark cannot be registered by others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Trademark authorities around the world do not always check if similar trademarks are previously registered, so ultimately it is your responsibility as an owner of trademark right to object to any infringement. Consequently, it is important that you always monitor the market to detect if someone is trying to register a word mark or figurative mark that is confusingly similar to yours.
As part of our basic brand protection that includes domain- and trademark monitoring we have developed Trademark Watch, a service that gives you a comprehensive overview of trademark applications from similar brands. This allows you to more quickly object to applications that are similar to yours, thereby preventing their registration before it’s too late. This also secures that your investment hasn’t been made to no purpose.
How Trademark Watch works
Manually searching through the various databases for registered trademarks is an almost impossible task. Our Trademark Watch automatically scans the databases in real time for word marks or figure marks similar to your trademark. The results are then reviewed by a dedicated legal team who, based on their industry expertise and insights into your business, filter out hits that pose a tangible threat. The results are presented in an easily understandable form in your customer portal. This allows you to immediately act on infringement and proactively prevent damage to your brand and its reputation. The service can also be used to monitor competitors’ trademark applications.
If our lawyers discover infringement, there are various measures to take. Examples of these are sending a warning letter or going through a dispute.
Together with our specialist, you identify the key terms to be monitored for your trademark. Our legal team reviews your business and provides advice and tips on how to achieve the strongest possible trademark protection.
Your monitoring is regularly reviewed by a dedicated customer team, with knowledge of your business operations and commitment to your trademarks. With the help of our customer portal Abion Core, the team reports only relevant hits in an easy-to-understand way.
Action plan
Together with your advisor at Abion, you decide on what action to take for each infringement. There are often several different options for moving forward – our attorneys and digital strategists are happy to help you evaluate the most appropriate measures in your particular situation.
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Trademark Watch
Are you interested in the service or have already decided that you want to implement it? Contact us and we will help you.