Takedown of website


Do you need help shutting down a website through a so-called Takedown? Have you found out that your website is being mirrored or that your brand is being used with malicious intent? Then we can help you with a Takedown and shut down websites containing either trademark or copyright infringements – without having to wait for lengthy legal processes. Contact us and we will help you.

Conduct a takedown


Advantages of a Takedown

Time and cost-effective

Takedown is more time and cost-effective than waiting for the outcome of warning letters and a potential dispute.

In combination with other measures

It is usually part of a combined measure together with other legal action, such as written warnings and litigation (if possible).

What does Takedown involve?

A takedown means that we, on behalf of our clients, report the trademark and/or copyright infringement to the technical providers used by the domain name in question and argue in favor of having the website shut down/removed.

Conduct a takedown of a website

What is a common cause for a Takedown?

A domain name constitutes the registered trademark online and is also a vital element in, for example, e-commerce or search optimization. As the value of a domain name increases, different types of fraud become more common. This means that operators try to profit from another operator’s trademark by registering domain names with the sole purpose of channeling traffic, often to questionable pages, or to attempt fraud.

In some cases, a registered domain name may constitute a trademark infringement which makes them a direct and urgent threat to the brand. As a trademark owner, you usually do not have time to wait for the outcome of warning letters or disputes. In other cases, it is only the content of the website, not the domain name itself, that constitutes a trademark infringement. Takedown is a very effective tool for eliminating trademark infringement on a specific website.


Do you need help with a takedown?

Do you need help shutting down a website that is mirroring and damaging your brand? Contact us and we will help you! 

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