25, February 2021
Latest news – Abion Core

Abion Core release
Our customer portal has now become even better and with this release we would like to announce some of the news:
Trademark info update no. 2
We have previously informed you about Trademark Info update in the portal where you have received information about your trade mark in the trade mark view, for example, exposure of ownership information.
In this update, we further want to inform you that you can now, upon request, see documents that are linked to your trade mark. The documents can concern your trade mark applications, ongoing registrations, and so on.
Document management in the project module
In addition to seeing documents linked to your trade marks, you can also see documents linked to your projects. If you have access to the project module in the portal, you can upload documents related to the project yourself (eg registration certificate) but also see documents that our project manager has uploaded and download these yourself.
API for DNS management
We offer APIs for managing DNS. A feature that facilitate your administration and security!
API allows you to access the features of Abion Core's DNS management directly from your own administration tool, for example to automate common updates.
- Trademark Info update
- SSL module
- Design updates
- Domain Management Modul & Portfolio Domains
- Redirect
- Project List & Details
Trademark info update
Trademark Info gives you the opportunity to see what information is displayed about your trade mark in the trade mark view in Abion Core. You can now get more complete information about your trade mark and thus see e.g. ownership information and extended information about the classification etc.
SSL module
In connection with the new rules regarding shorter lifetime on SSL certificates, you can now in Abion Core, order certificates up to 6 years. The certificates need to be replaced annually, but the renewal process will be more or less fully automated, which saves administrative work, and the risk of failing to renew a certificate disappears.
In the SSL module you can also add comments when ordering certificates. The comments you fill in, then appear in the list of certificates, when the order is executed.
Design updates
As you might have already seen, we made some design updates in the portal. Not only the fact that you can easily see your rights divided into legal, digital and technical, but also follow your monitoring hits and see which of your projects and orders are ongoing.
The clarity of being able to see the different parts of legally, digitally and technically gives you a better overview of how secure your brand is and whether it fails in any part.
In order for you to be able to quickly see and follow your monitoring, we have created a function - Monitoring Service, where you can follow the monitoring hits we have discovered.
Domain Management Modul & Portfolio Domains
You can now add comments that relate to specific domains as well as your entire domain portfolio. The comment fields belong together which means that the comments you add under Portfolio, will show under Domain Module as well. These comments go to our department within Project Management.
You can now redirect your domain to a temporary page for a certain period and then redirect the traffic to the existing site ex. under renovation – a redirect 302.
Project List & Project Details Page
The heading where you can find the organization is moved to a column in the Project list.
Previously, you could find "Domain Services", "Hosting Services" and "SSL Certificate Services" under separate tabs. These have now been merged into one and contain all domain and IT related orders. The existing "Legal Services" tab is replaced with "Trademarks". There you can see brands that are attached to resp. project / order.