Register your trademark now - fast and easy
Fill in the form below, and get an offer together with expert advice, within hours.
Trademark registration consists of:
Trademark search & check
We do an initial search in both national and international databases for similar or identical trademarks. It's important to not only ensure that your trademark is unique, but also that it will not infringe on any other existing trademark. Depending on the initial results, we might recommend a more in-depth search.
The official trademark offices responsible for registering and enforcing trademarks in the EU, UK, US, and internationally. Dealing with each one can be a complicated process as they all adhere to different regulations and methods.
Copyright Protection
Copyright automatically protects your original content, but it doesn’t grant exclusive rights to your brand name or logo. To fully protect your brand and take legal action against misuse, you need a registered trademark. Secure yours today!
Domain name research
We analyse all possible domain variations for your brand across multiple extensions (, .com, .eu, etc.) to identify opportunities and risks. You’ll receive a detailed report with available domain names, potential conflicts, and strategic recommendations to help secure your brand’s online presence.
Design & Logo
When registering a trademark it's important to check if there is an infringement to an already registered design or logo. We include a basic initial check, and at times it is necessary with a more in-depth check.
Producing & submitting trademark registration
We handle the entire submission process, ensuring all legal and registration documents meet the requirements of trademark authorities. Our experts prepare and file your application accurately, reducing the risk of delays or rejections.
Domain names
SSL Certificates
Clients all over the globe
New to trademarks? Here's what you need to know
How long time does it take to register a trademark?
The process typically takes 4-12 months, depending on the country and whether there are objections or issues. But once you file, you establish priority, meaning others can’t register the same mark after you.
Isn’t my business name already protected just because I’m using it?
No. Just using your business name doesn’t give you exclusive rights. Someone else can still trademark it and force you to stop using it—even if you’ve been in business longer. A registered trademark is the only way to legally secure your name.
What are the benefits of trademark registration?
Without a trademark, competitors or counterfeiters can legally use a brand or name similar to your, without consequences. So your brand is a lot more vulnerable, and if another company begins to use the name, it can be a costly process to prove that you have more right to use the name, than the counterpart. So operating a company without trademark protection exposes your brand to an unnecessary risk. There is countless examples of companies having to rename a product or brand, due to trademark infringements - for example Alfa Romeo who had to rename a car in 2024 or Luis Vuitton vs Zadig & Voltaire.
Is it expensive?
The cost depends on the countries selected, and the amount of classes thats needed for proper protection. For European trademark protection the price starts at 1.400€, UK from 790€, Norway from 790€ and United States from 1.910€. If you fill in the form above you will get an accurate price for the right classes and the right jurisdictions.
Is it difficult to register a trademark, and can i do it myself?
You can file a trademark on your own, but legal experts help avoid mistakes that could lead to rejection or disputes. It is important to know which classes you need to register for, and in which countries. It is also possible to register in global organisations, which might provide slightly different protection compared to national registration. If you work with Abion you can be certain that we handle the legal checks and paperwork to make sure your application is solid from the start. Errors in the applications leads to rejection and wrong trademark classes can render the protection useless.
What exactly does a trademark protect?
A trademark protects your brand name, logo, slogan, and sometimes even product packaging or colours, and it stops or limit others from using similar marks that could confuse customers. It is important to keep in mind that your trademark only is protected in the respective classes and countries that you choose during registration process.
A few of the Abion benefits
All expertise in-house
Abion's one point of contact connects you with in-house experts in intellectual property law, who work closely with our IT and Domain teams.
Pro-active Monitoring
When you have your brand portfolio with us, you ensure secure management and guaranteed renewal of your trademarks. At the same time, we can closely monitor and enforce your IP in case of infringement.
Multinational organisation
Abion is represented in 17 countries, with over 150 legal experts experienced in trademark protection and intellectual property rights across all jurisdictions.
Abion Core
On our platform, you get a clear overview of your IP assets, a high level of security, and automated management of all global top-level domains, certificates and technical settings.