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Monitoring services

Why register a trade mark legally and digitally if you do not keep track of where and how your trade mark is used by others? It’s a common misconception that registration of a trade mark or domain name provides fail-safe protection – but unfortunately that is not true. As the holder of rights to a trade mark, it is ultimately your responsibility to prevent infringement by defending your registered rights. So what is the easiest way to do this? By our monitoring services!

Advice and price suggestion

Monitor your brand

For most trade mark owners, it is next to impossible to constantly and manually monitor their entire market to detect infringements. For this reason, we has developed monitoring services that keep track of where and how your trade mark is used. We tailor the monitoring to your requirements and continuously scan the entire digital landscape, from new applications to apps and websites – any trade mark infringement is then reviewed by our lawyers. This way, you can rest assured that all customer and supplier interactions with your brand are controlled by you.


Why monitor

Benefits of monitoring services

Time efficient

No need to manually scan all platforms where infringement of your brand may occur.


By automating your monitoring you avoid failing to identify trademark infringement due to human error.


You detect trademark infringement before it is noticed by your customers or other stakeholders.

Cost effective

With proper monitoring you only need to register the most essential domains, social media accounts, etc.. Instead you actively take measures when infringement occurs.


Explore our monitoring services

We recommend you to have at least trade mark- and domain Watch as basic protection. Then extend the protection depending on which type of business you have.


Risks of not monitoring your brand

Today’s digital landscape provides vast opportunities to market your brand to millions of people, but each new point of contact also involves risks. New threats and schemes for unlawfully taking advantage of brands have drastically increased in recent years. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify trade mark infringement, which has led to an amplified need to systematically monitor relevant platforms. If you overlook having proper brand monitoring, you not only risk losing revenue, you also risk damaging both your brand and business reputation and eventually losing customer loyalty. Examples of brand fraud:

Want to know how we can help your business?

Do you need help monitor or manage your domain? Or have any other question about the service? Contact us and we will help you!

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