Trademark registration made easy
We enable you to drive growth, build trust, and protect your brand.
Applications and registrations by experts
- Legal exclusive rights to the trade mark
- Increased status and value for your brand
- Protection against accidentally infringing another party’s registered trade mark
We simplify the complexities
- Experts in trade mark law in-house
- We take care of the whole process, from analysis to registration in the right class
- Set up monitoring services – get notified of trade marks similar to your brand
From application to registration
When we register your trade marks you get
All expertise in-house
With legal experts on intellectual property law as well as departments covering both IT and domains we got the whole trade mark process covered.
Active surveillance
We ensrue secure management with a guranteed renewal of your trade marks. We also offer active monitoring and notifies you in case of infringement.
Abion Core
In our platform, you get a clear overview of your assets, a high level of security, and automated management of all top-level domains in the world.
Secure your trade marks today – we take care of the whole process