
We safeguard brands
Your all-in-one solution

Abion empowers brands to be smarter and better by offering all-in-one solutions for managing intellectual property rights, domain names, web security, and brand protection.

All kompetens in-house

360 Brand Protection

We offer intelligent, comprehensive protection with advanced services and expert consultancy, designed for the digital era.

All kompetens in-house

Global reach, local experts

With 14 local offices spread across 9 countries, both within and outside the EU, we're supported by a global network of counsel to service virtually any jurisdiction.

All kompetens in-house

Easy-To-Navigate Platform

Our platform Abion Core integrates your brand assets both offline and online through a secure, cloud-based brand management.

Trusted by brands all over the world

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Don't suffer from a fragmented protection

We have all experts in-house. No loose ends.


Abion all-in-one model

Discover our suite for advanced, technology-driven services

IP & Legal Services

  • IP Management
  • Trademark Portfolio Management
  • Trademark Prosecution
  • Trademark Clearance
  • Trademark Watch
  • IP Asset Mapping
  • Licensing & Agreements
  • Enforcement & Dispute resolution/Litigation Management
  • IP Due Diligence
  • Customs Protection
  • Internet & Web 3.0
  • Privacy, Data & E-commerce Law

Lorenzo Litta

Lorenzo Litta, Global Head of Legal & Brands

"We breathe legal but talk business. With a powerful network and vast experience in global matters, we navigate all aspects of Intellectual Property law as your trusted advisors.”

Domain Name Management

As strategic advisors with a broad range of expertise, we ensure that decisions made today align with your future vision.

  • Domain Management
  • Domain Disputes
  • Global Domain Registration
  • Domain Acquisition
  • Domain Block Services
  • Internal Domain Manager
  • Local Presence Service
  • Domain Strategy Framework
  • Blockchain Domain Names

Online Brand Protection

  • Marketplace Watch
  • Social media Watch
  • App & NFT Watch
  • Search Engine Watch
  • Web Content Watch
  • Domain Monitoring
  • Takedown Services
  • Enforcement against phishing attempts
  • Comprehensive reporting & Business Intelligence
    Domain Disputes;

  • UDRPs
  • URS
  • DRP
  • RDRS

Daniel Zohny

Daniel Zohny, Global Head of Online Brand Protection

“Leveraging business intelligence tools, we elevate your strategy beyond online brand protection to sharpen decision-making and elevate your market stance, all with clear, efficient execution.”

Web Security

With a proactive approach, we ensure your brand's security, reducing risks of attacks like phishing and spam, creating a safer digital environment for you.

  • Business Email Compromise
  • SSL/TLS Certificates
  • Code Signing Certificate
  • Smart Seal
  • VMC Certificate
  • S/MIME
  • Comprehensive DNS Solutions
  • Hosting
Abion's offer

Why choose Abion

  • One-stop solution
    Meet all your brand protection needs in one place, saving you time and money by eliminating the need to deal with multiple providers.
  • Integrated brand strategy
    Enjoy consistency and coherence across all areas of brand management, both online and offline.
  • Local expertise, global reach
    We have teams in place to assist you in handling the situations with the right strategy.

Get started with a consultation

Guardian of brands since 1994

Our mission is to empower brands worldwide. Since our founding in 1994 we've been at the forefront of the industry and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the intellectual property space.

  • ICANN accredited registrar since 1999
  • Industry-awarded, world-renowned experts
  • 200+ experts in 16 local offices, spread across 13 countries
  • Global network of counsels to service virtually any jurisdiction
Our offices Abion
10 000+

Clients all over the globe

68 000

Trademarks under management

272 000+

Domains under management

Abion ACANN accredited registrar
WTR 1000
IAM 1000 Abion
INTA Abion

Abion Core – Streamlined efficiency at your fingertips

Our cloud-based brand management platform combines cutting-edge technology with intuitive user experience to streamline managing and protecting your brand. It’s a centralised solution that puts you in control of your brand.

Online Brand Protection

Our platform features

  • Overview of your IP rights
  • DNS management
  • Invoice forecasting
  • Chat function with your expert team
  • List overview of services & IP rights
  • Two-factor authentication for secure login
  • Seamless integrated ordering functionality
  • View and manage monitoring service results and processes
  • Structure IP portfolios with your organisation's framework
  • Assign diverse roles with varying access levels in the portal

Streamline your IP management now

How we work

Taking care of the whole process


How we work Abion

Get started with a consultation

We safeguard your brand - contact us today

Global network and local offices across Europe and the Middle East


United Kingdom

Rome office Abion


Dubai office Abion

United Arab Emirates

We also have offices here

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