Trademark renewal at Abion

Trademark renewal

Trademark renewal is necessary every 10 years to maintain both exclusive rights and trademark protection. However, it is common that this is forgotten! With us as a partner, we will help you renew the trademarks you have already registered. If you have your brand assets with us, we will keep an eye on, and remind you, when it is time to renew so you don't have to worry!

Renew your trademark

Trademark renewal

Has your trademark been registered for almost 10 years? Then it's time for renewal! By renewing your trademark registration, you maintain the protection enabling continued use of the trademark.

  • We will help you with the renewal
  • We'll keep an eye on, and remind you, when it's time for the next renewal
  • In your customer portal you have access to smooth, clear, and comprehensible brand management.
Image of Brunsparken Gothenburg

Why should a trademark be renewed?

When registering a trademark, trademark protection applies for 10 years from the application date. After that, it is up to you as the trademark owner to keep track of renewals.

In most cases, it is possible to renew your trademark no more than 6 months before expiration and in some cases up to 6 months after the expiration date.

The trademark can subsequently be renewed an unlimited number of times, but, as mentioned, you need to renew it every 10 years.

Is it time to renew your trademark?

Do you need to renew your trademark, group your brand assets with us, or have another enquiry? Contact us and we will help you!

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Trademark Management

We secure the exclusive right to your trademark and protect it from potential infringements.