AdultBlock Abion


AdultBlock protects your brand from being associated with the adult industry. The service protects blocks terms from being registered with any of the adult Top Level Domains (TLDs) .XXX, .ADULT, .SEX and .PORN.

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How does AdultBlock work?

The service gives brand holders rights to protect your brand from having terms misused by the adult industry.

  • Unregistered domains are blocked
  • Domains that are not renewed by current holders are blocked
  • Upgrade to AdultBlock+ to block all look-alike variations
  • Can be purchased in periods of 10, 5 or 3 years (recommended to run as far as your trade mark registration)

AdultBlock med Abion

The difference between AdultBlock & AdultBlock+

With AdultBlock, only your exact terms will be blocked but by upgrading to AdultBlock+ you also block all look-alike variations, including confusingly similar terms, misspellings, and IDNs. Phishers often use alternative spellings that are challenging to distinguish from the exact variation, and AdultBlock+ offers comprehensive coverage for this.



Block the label across all 4 TLDs .adult, .porn, .sex, and .xxx

Premium domain name blocking

Blocking of domains when they become available

Blocking variant labels

Unicode variant blocking - homoglyphs & IDNs eg. Chinese characters

Unicode variant blocking

Labels covered



Registration periods

3, 5, 10yr

3, 5, 10yr

Submit interest

The service can be purchased regardless of whether you have a registered trade mark or not. The only requirement is the Proof of Use, you need to prove that you are actively using the term today.

Why Abion?

  • 30 years of experience in domain management
  • Accredited Registrar
  • Helps you with implementations

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