Bild på en som har appbevakning för att skydda sitt varumärke

App Watch

Is your brand exposed in your own app or a retailer’s app? Do you have control over how your brand is used in the more than five million applications available for download today? Mobile applications often collect sensitive data, such as account information, images, location data, etc., which can be misused by fraudsters. But there is a way to protect yourself - with our monitoring service App Watch! 

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App Watch 

App Watch is a service that adds extra protection and complements our basic monitoring services. It is tailored for the mobile application market and monitors both existing and new applications released to the most common app stores, so you and your suppliers can rest assured that your organization controls your brand.

Bild på kollegor med appbevakning

How App Watch works?

The service monitors both existing and new applications released to the most common app stores. You regularly get notices of new apps that may infringe on your trade mark, either through similarities between the name, description or logo of the application.

The service scans for predefined keyword strings in conjunction with image search, stop words and whitelists of allowed features, to identify potentially infringing applications.



Our lawyers review your business and provides advice and tips on how to achieve the strongest possible trade mark protection. Together you identify the key terms and/or logotypes to be monitored in the app stores.

Get control through consolidation


Your monitoring is regularly reviewed by a dedicated customer team, with knowledge of your business operations and commitment to your trade marks. With the help of the Abion Core tool, the team reports only relevant hits in an easy-to-understand way.

Ongoing renewals

Action plan

Together with your advisor at Abion, you decide on what action to take for each infringement. There are often several different options for moving forward – our attorneys and digital strategists are happy to help you evaluate the most appropriate measures to stop application fraudsters.


The risks of not monitoring

Mobile applications often collect sensitive data, such as account information, images, location data, etc., which can be exploited by fraudsters. Well-known brands with high trust among the customers, are always potential targets for money making scams or brand damage campaigns. Examples of what fraudsters can expose your brand to:

  • Set up fake apps to capture revenue from your customers
  • Gain access to your customers’ login or credit card information
  • Gain access to contacts, photos, etc. and collect information that could potentially cause great harm to both you and your customers
  • Spread virus that lock the user’s mobile or computer. The attacker can then demand a ransom payment to unlock the device

Submit interest for App watch

Are you interested in the service or have already decides that you need to implement it on your business? Contact us and we will help you. 

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