
Video games: TÜRKPATENT decisions are promising for broader brand protection in Türkiye
Alfa Romeo sign

Alfa Romeo makes a U-turn: Milano goes Junior

Trademark Management
13 May 2024
Made in Italy label
black sweater purple smoke

5 famous cases of counterfeiting

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9 April 2024

Former leader at FIFA reveals reasons for recent move to Abion

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4 April 2024
Website Cloning

Traditional VS Today’s Brand Protection

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2 April 2024
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Record-breaking number of domain name disputes in 2023: A sign of the times?

Domain Management
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19 February 2024
Lego ruling T-537/22

Building Blocks of Victory: LEGO’s Recent Legal Triumph

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12 February 2024
IP protection for start up businesses

New Year, New Venture? Strategies for Success

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Trademark infringement
5 February 2024

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